The American Socialist Hour©

So, how many kids saw “The Lion King” when it re-opened on Broadway last night? According to the new enlightened leaders on Broadway: You may enter the theater only if vaccinated. Those who have survived COVID and have natural immunities are not welcome....

Out of an Abundance of Thoughtlessness

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s latest edict is a sad example of the waning logic of the radical Leftists in America. The Mayor, who is about to leave office this year, has decided that only the vaccinated can conduct a normal life inside his city. No gyms, no...

Send in the Clowns

Which is the zanier story: 1) The CDC magically drops masks, or 2) Governor Mike DeWine decides by fiat to establish “Vax-a-Million” a new scheme to give away a one-million dollar prize every week to someone who gets a vaccine in Ohio. The question may be...

Good Friday

What happened on this day matters and more than any human words can effectively express. What happened on this day on a cross of total injustice is the only prism through which reality can ever be effectively seen. What happened this day is the only way to...

Washington DC is Back

“I’m from Washington and I am here to help”. That was the famous punchline to a host of jokes told by the late President Ronald Reagan. Now, thanks to the Center for American Progress and all their allies, the Progressive Congress has brought that...