A Global Network of Communist Chinese Police Stations?

John Feng, in his October 19, 2022 online article in Newsweek, reports that dozens of cities worldwide–including New York City–are bases for communist Chinese police stations. Not just Newsweek, but also the NY Post, the NY Times, Fox News, Yahoo News, the...

Public Education in Illinois

I hope you have read the recent article by the Wall Street Journal entitled “Illinois’s Shocking Report Card” (October 4). Here is a quote in the opening lines: “Statewide, in 2019, 36% of all third grade students could read at grade level....

Is She A Fascist?

Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the political party “Fratelli d’Italia” (“Brothers of Italy”) is soon to be the new prime minister of Italy. She will be the first ever female prime minister of Italy. She is quite a firebrand, whipping up...

Where are the Workers?

I know you have noticed it. You cannot NOT notice it. Businesses all over America are crying for people to work…but few are showing up. In my line of work, I talk to company leaders across the Midwest. They are all saying the same thing. Whether it is a factory,...

Baby Shortage

It’s not in the news that often, but there actually is a baby shortage in many developed nations all over the world. In fact, in some nations the falling birthrate is so critical that in just a generation or two those nations may decrease in their populations by...