It is time for Washington to take off the blinders and take notice of what really works in Stem Cell therapy

Apr 5, 2013

The following article, copied and pasted from the internet, affirms what we have been averring here at APR for the past five years. The continued waste of funds on embryonic stem cell research must come to an end. NFL quarterback Peyton Manning had to go abroad to Germany in order to take advantage of that foreign country’s expertise in this regard to solve his cervical spine problems. The Germans, and nine other nations, gave up on using embryonic cells long ago. Read on and weep for our nation’s lack of direction.

“Stem cell therapy is used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal injury, degenerative joint disease, autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, cerebral palsy, critical limb ischemia, diabetes type 2, heart failure, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions. Adult stem cells are harvested from many areas of the body, including the bone marrow, fat and peripheral blood, and they are purified and reintroduced back in the patient. According to the theory, stem cells isolated from a patient (i.e. from the bone marrow or fat) have the ability to become different cell types (i.e. nerve cells, liver cells, heart cells and cartilage cells), and they are capable of “homing in” on and repairing damaged tissue. Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation can induce sustained remissions for more than 5 years in patients with severe autoimmune diseases refractory to conventional therapy. (Farge, 2010) Stem cell transplantation has potential for cartilage repair and cell-based therapies for osteoarthritis. (Mobasheri, 2009) Stem cells hold great promise to harness the body’s ability to heal itself, and to cure diseases and alleviate suffering without the use of drugs or invasive surgery, but there may be risks. In this study no complications were detected from stem cells re-injected into peripheral joints (n=213) or into intervertebral discs (n=13). (Centeno, 2010) In an animal study reported in the Lancet, tissue formed by stem cells from the host was implanted and re-grew their own joints, complete with cartilage. Researchers hypothesized that such a joint should last longer and work more naturally than a metal joint, and the technique could benefit patients with advanced arthritis. While metal joints only last 10-15 years but this type should last longer, but not all patients may have this regenerative capacity, especially the elderly. (Lee, 2010) Note: This treatment is not FDA approved in the U.S. (FDA, 2010)”

That last comment sums up the problem; it’s all ideological and political.

For more information on this cutting edge technology that will eliminate all organ transplants and the need for toxic and expensive anti-rejection drugs for life, see the numerous articles previously written on this site. Those persons making the laws and controlling the purse strings of our economy in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, should be held culpable for the lack of progress in our country with regard to this life sparing technology. At this point we are more than a decade behind 10 other nations in the treatment of injury and illness with autologous stem cell transplants. The reason is found in a “sequestering” of highly successful autologous stem cell transplants in the myth and fraud of embryonic stem cell research.