The Court Ducked: The Texas Case, Part Two

Dec 14, 2020

Why did the U.S. Supreme Court duck?

We all read the few words the Court wrote about Texas not having “standing” to bring a case against other states that chose to break the law and conduct an election outside the clear mandates of the U.S. Constitution. But if Texas and the 18 other states who supported the need for legal review have no right to a day in federal court, then where are they to go and what are they to do?

People who have spent their lives in lawmaking and litigation know that a Court that wants no part of a highly-charged debate can readily default to “standing” as a way of slamming the door on very important legal questions. It is the universal judicial “duck.”

So when a handful of states conduct an illegal election for the presidency, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution, what are the other 46 states to do?

Now the unconstitutional election tallies will head to the Congress for the final count of the Electoral College votes. Will anyone there have the courage to stand for the Constitution over the railings of the media and the mob?

Just in case you might be wondering, you don’t see the names Biden or Trump in this series of articles. The point here is not who got elected President. The much bigger point is this: if four states can break the law and conduct an unconstitutional election in 2020, how many will try to do the same in 2024?