Good Friday

Apr 2, 2021

What happened on this day matters and more than any human words can effectively express.

What happened on this day on a cross of total injustice is the only prism through which reality can ever be effectively seen.

What happened this day is the only way to righteousness, equity and justice for all.
Do we remember what happened on this day — Good Friday over 2000 years ago? What Jesus of Nazareth did at a real place called Calvary, in real time, surrounded by real people who witnessed a real execution amidst whips, and thorns and nails and spears and blood and death. What happened this day is the missing piece of the puzzle that alone can bring all souls to true peace with God. The only way we can find each other, the only way we can ultimately be reconciled, the only way we can all get home together.
Good Friday. Do we remember?